FAQ Page





FALL 2019/SPRING 2020

Where are you located?

We are located at 192 Pinegrove Drive in Pineville, La. 71360 between the Pineville Post Office and X-treme Cheer. You will turn off of Pinegrove Drive onto Davis Drive and immediately turn right into our parking lot. You will be able to see our building from Pinegrove Drive. Nugent Music & Audio, the Hall and Nugent Music Academy are all conveniently located under one roof. 

How are your lessons structured?

Lessons are typically held weekly following the yearly calendar that is published on the studio website. Please be on time for your lesson. If your lesson is from 4:00-5:00 PM and you come at 4:15, the lesson will still end at 5:00 PM. This ensures that none of the other lessons for the day will run behind.

We use iPads and computers occasionally as part of your child's music education experience. We also use various instruments and different games to help teach them rhythms, notes, ensemble skills, theory, composition skills. Students are expected to respect all instruments and technology. You will be charged a replacement cost and the student will no longer have use of the equipment if they damage them. Normal wear is expected.

Do we have to take lessons all year?

Students are highly encouraged to participate in lessons year round. In the summer we offer regular music classes but also offer camps, workshops and specialty classes such as composition or improve or bucket drumming for a varied experience as well. We do this so we can accommodate busy summer schedules. Summers lessons are always fun, intuitive and "outside the box." Studies have shown that it takes two months for a student to get back to where they were in May if they take the entire summer off. Our goal is to go forward!

Students who study during the summer get first choice at scheduling options for the fall.

Are Makeup Lessons Offered?

A private lesson student who does not attend a lesson may have to forfeit seeing the instructor. A makeup may be scheduled IF the instructor has an opening sometime that week. A Face Time or Skype lesson can be arranged at the regular lesson time with advanced notice. If the teacher misses a lesson it will be made up, no refunds are issued. If you are enrolled in Piano Class, Guitar Class or Rock Band Class you may attend another class with advanced notice and permission from the instructor. 

How is your tuition set up?

Yearly tuition is divided into 10 equal payments (beginning Aug 1) that can be paid with different payment options listed on the registration form. 

The studio runs much like a private school; Tuition remains the same each month and is based on enrollment - not attendance - and reserves your child's exclusive lesson time throughout the year, whether he/she attends lessons or not. 

If full payment is not made by the 7th of the month a $25 late fee will be assessed and lessons will not be continued until the amount is paid in full. There is a $35.00 fee assessed for NSF checks.

Tuition does not change regardless of the actual number of lessons per month, This policy covers both semesters for the school year. Every semester must be registered for by paying the $35 registration fee. If you are not returning for the next semester we must receive notice prior to the first day of the last month of the semester (December 1st for Fall and April 1st  for Spring).


Fall (Aug-Dec) 15 lessons, 2 of which are run as Studio Enrichment or Performance Classes

Spring (Jan-May)  17 lessons, 2 of which are run as Studio Enrichment or Performance Classes.

Summer (May-July) We provide various options for our students each summer. Tuition is priced as during the school year so that parents can continue with the monthly installment payments in their budget.

Are there other fees incurred throughout the year?

A Registration Fee of $35 is charged for each semester, fall, spring and summer. It reserves your child's spot in the schedule for the following semester. It is used to offset the cost of printing, technology, care of  instruments and other supplies. This fee does not cover the cost of purchased music books or entry fees for music festivals.

A Recital Fee of $35 is due by April 1st of each Spring Semester. This helps offset the expenses of putting on a recital, printing programs, certificates, trophies, and awards..


Email or text is the best way to reach the teachers at NMA. If you need to cancel a lesson at the last minute, please text. Many times during the day we are either teaching or accompanying. If a phone call is necessary, just shoot us a text and we can call when we are available to talk.


Please have students wash their hands thoroughly at home or when they arrive at the studio. Students also must have short fingernails so that technique and playing ability is not hindered (a basketball player would not play in high heels!). This is necessary preparation for every lesson. If they are too long, we may use the lesson time to study theory only. 

Payment Plans

You may pay for the semester by check prior to the first lesson of the semester and receive a discount price.

You may enroll in our auto pay system online and make installment payments which are due on the 1st of every month. Billing is broken down into 10 equal payments August-May.

Payment Options:

Checks made payable to Nugent Music Academy for the full semester

Online Payment with credit card via auto pay

Online Payment with Paypal via auto pay

Makeup Lessons

Your lesson slot is reserved for you and an emailed lesson reminder is sent prior to every lesson. Please make every effort to read all lesson reminders and schedule other activities around your lesson time.

Before you ask to reschedule a lesson, please remember the following:

Missed lessons may possibly be rescheduled IF the teacher's schedule allows and there are opening available.

Missed group lessons will not be made up but the student may attend another group lesson within the same week if available

We stay open during inclement weather. If you choose to miss a lesson due to inclement weather the lesson may be rescheduled only IF there are openings available OR lessons may be held via Skype or FaceTime. Your teacher will notify you if lessons are to be cancelled.

There are NO Refunds for ANY missed lessons.

Lesson Termination & Discontinuing Lessons

Every student stops taking lessons at some point. That is just the way life is! (much to our dismay) Please make this decision thoughtfully with plenty of discussion between the teacher, parent and student so that lessons can cease with a positive sense of closure. Because tuition includes much more that the reserved lesson time the studio requires a one-month written and paid notice before the semester ends. The student must finish the remainder of the semester paid in full or forego any unused lessons as there is no refund given. (ie: Fall Semester: one month notice by Dec 21st; Spring Semester: one month notice by May 1st) If appropriate, a parent/student/teacher conference may be scheduled before the notice to establish if this might be a temporary setback that can be resolved. Many times our students are overwhelmed with issues and communication may help to resolve these. So many times I have visited with parents later on and they have told me that their child wanted to resume music lessons later on but that they felt "embarrased" because of the way they quit or disappeared from lessons. We realize that life happens and that children like to try new things. Having said that, the best way to grow musically is to have ongoing music lessons. But we always welcome our returning students back with open arms! 

Dismissal & Termination

Should any of the following situations occur after parental notification have been made along with time provided to correct the situation, dismissal will result:

Failure to make payments promptly.

Persistent unexcused absences or tardiness.

Repeated neglect on the student and student's parent to take responsibility for bringing materials, following assignment and practice directions.

Failure to maintain practice standards.

Failure to honor studio policies. 


Be certain your instrument is tuned and in good condition. It is very discouraging to play on an inadequate instrument.  Nugent Music has the names of some reputable piano tuners and repairmen for band instruments. String instruments can be repaired at Nugent Music. Reasonably priced guitars can also be purchased at Nugent Music - these are significantly better in quality than something of comparable price on Amazon or Ebay. 


During student and group gatherings and performances the teacher reserves the right to use video recording or to take photograph of students for use in the studio facebook page, website, advertising materials, or lesson demonstration. Photos taken by the teacher OR that are shared with the teacher by other parents or students of gatherings or performances become the property of the studio and can be used at the discretion of the teacher in regards to the studio. 


Nugent Music Academy, Nugent Music & Audio, Herbert, Tanya and Brittany Nugent and all Teachers associated with this business are released from any liabilities, accidents or injuries that may occur to the enrolled student in the participation of music lessons, group classes, music parties or music events.