
It's Not Always Work!

Thursday, July 25, 2019 | just for fun

Many people can tell you absolute horror stories of being forced to practice and hating music lessons - and that's clearly no good for anyone, right? The young student eventually grows up and may have a real distaste for playing music. Maybe they feel like a failure because they gave it up. (Maybe their parents or teachers feel like failures too.) Ever heard a version of this story? We firmly believe that music should never feel like that. It should be fun, memorable, enjoyable, life-changing, and self-affirming. It should lead to better things in people's lives like the ability to feel empathy, a future career, or learning how to be a member of a team. We can't promise that every lesson will be a mind-blowing experience or that they'll go on to sell out huge arenas - but we absolutely can promise to produce future music makers who care about music, education, and the people around them.

A Sailing We Will Go!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019 | early ears, craft ideas

The Early Ears classes this week talked and learned about how some notes are long and some can be short! Their craft involved a sail boat made out of a sponge, a straw, and a sail made from a foam sheet. Super easy and a total blast (with minimal mess and a built-in cleaning mechanism, which all adults will agree is one of the hallmark of a good craft)! After the sail boats were made we participated in races to see who could blow their boat to the finish line first - lots of short notes and long notes were blown in an attempt to decide what made the boat go the fastest and straightest!

Compliment Card Cheer!

Monday, May 20, 2019 | Uncategorized

We finished up the last of the compliment cards from the 2019 Spring Showcase. Ms. Brittany might have teared up a few times while organizing them. There's just something about reading compliments - especially when they're to students you've seen learn and grow over the last semester or two (and sometimes over years!). All of our students did a wonderful job, and we all think it was the best recital season yet! Thanks for writing a card and inspiring future musicians! 

There ended up being another 4' table worth of cards after this picture was taken and they were all laid out and alphabetized!

All dolled up and ready to go to their recipients!

How cute is this?!?! And we all agree, Ella N. It absolutely was rock. Way to blow that kid's mind with "Smells Like Teen Spirit"!

I can't post all of the cards or we'd be here all day - but I'd like to say that seeing the overwhelming amount of love poured out on our students is an awesome experience and it's something that should give everyone the warm and fuzzies and make you believe in the good of mankind!