
Fight Song

Sunday, March 29, 2020 | Uncategorized

Just ran across this video while searching for some content for an online piano class I am teaching tomorrow. This was recorded in 2016 by Lexi. She was getting ready to participate in the JI Barron Talent show that Spring. I was so proud of all the work she had put in to learn how to play and sing "Fight Song" that I recorded it! How fitting that I found this today. Now more than ever in American history we are going to have to fight to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, not only physically, but mentally and financially. I have been so blessed to see the residents of Central Louisiana binding together to help each other out during this time. Nugent Music appreciates your prayers during this difficult time. Thank you to all of our parents who are supporting us by continuing with an online lesson platform during our "social distancing" time frame. We are so privileged to be able to offer something of beauty to our students during this trying time.

Take a listen and be encouraged as I was, by this then young child, who's now a teenager. As the old saying goes, "Out of the Mouths of Babes" (or hands!).

- Ms. Tanya

The Reports Are In

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 | Uncategorized

People have said "music makes you smarter" for years - plenty of studies have been done to see exactly what that means. We know it helps with basic logic, like "are these notes on the page moving up? Then we'll play higher notes". We've also seen that it helps people understand history a little more - we learn about different composers and how the time they lived in impacted their work. It can make arithmetic stick in our heads more....musicians are great at counting to at least 4! All jokes aside, though, music is a great hobby or career choice for many people and can help us to more easily understand the world around us.

More importantly, our studio thinks it's important for students to want to seek out information. We want to teach them how to learn, it's the number one main goal! One of the Rock Band classes recently took up a challenge to write at least 5 sentences about any musician of their choosing. They were so proud of their work when they came into class the next week! Everyone participated and we read all the pages out loud in class. They had researched online, chosen important information, and compiled it into one spot - Thomas even typed his page up! They received $1 in NMA Candy Shop money for their efforts along with a little bit of learning and the knowledge that they can complete tasks they think of as "grown-up".

Make sure to check out our Facebook page at to see everyone's report!

Have You Seen Our Facebook Page?

Tuesday, October 1, 2019 | Uncategorized

Have you liked the Nugent Music Academy page on Facebook yet? It's regularly updated with cute pictures, funny stories, and more crazy happenings around the academy! to keep up with everything going on!